PMH, medications, allergies were reviewed.

Physical Exam:

Vital signs were reviewed.

RESPIRATORY: The breath sounds are equal bilaterally with normal amplitude. There are no crackles, rubs, or wheezes.
CARDIOVASCULAR: The heart sounds are normal. There are no murmurs, rubs, clicks or gallops.
MUSCULOSKELETAL: The right shoulder is tender in the right subscapularis and the right deltoid bursa.

I cleaned the right shoulder with betadine and then alcohol. I injected 40 mg of Kenalog with 1/2 ml of 0.5% bupivicaine into the right subscapularis bursa and I injected 40 mg of Kenalog with 1/2 ml of 0.5% bupivicaine into the right deltoid bursa.





Samuel T. Bowen, MD